Hoy me apetece descansar en casa con una manta caliente porque me duele la espalda, mi princesa ya va pesando mucho. Se me ha ocurrido preparar algo sencillo, ghi.
La india tiene muchos tesoros. El aceite de oliva es nuestro oro líquido y en la India es el ghi, o ghee o mantequilla purificada o clarificada, que se obtiene al derretir la mantequilla y retirar la espuma que se forma.
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Familia en una gasolinera de Pushkar |
Según el Ayurveda, que es el sistema de medicina tradicional originado en la India que, junto con la medicina tradicional china, es uno de los sistemas médicos más antiguos que se conocen, el ghi auténtico sólo puede ser obtenido cociéndolo lentamente.
- 500 gramos de mantequilla sin sal
Pasos a seguir:
- En un cazo se calienta la mantequilla a fuego medio y luego a fuego lento hasta que salgan burbujas. Los sólidos de la leche se acumularán abajo. Se va retirando la espuma.
- En 15-20 minutos el líquido se mantendrá quieto. Retirar inmediatamente antes de que se queme
- Colar con una tela fina y guardar en un tarro de cristal a temperatura ambiente.
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Today I want to rest at home with a warm blanket because my back hurts, my princess is already weighing heavily. I am cooking something simple, ghee.
India has many treasures. Olive oil is our liquid gold in Spain and in India is the ghee, or clarified butter or purified, obtained by melting butter and removing the foam that forms.
How to make ghee:
Today I want to rest at home with a warm blanket because my back hurts, my princess is already weighing heavily. I am cooking something simple, ghee.
India has many treasures. Olive oil is our liquid gold in Spain and in India is the ghee, or clarified butter or purified, obtained by melting butter and removing the foam that forms.
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Family at a gas station in Pushkar |
According to Ayurveda, which is the traditional medical system that originated in India, along with traditional Chinese medicine, it is one of the oldest medical systems known, the real ghee only can be obtained by baking slowly.
- 500 grams unsalted butter
- In a medium_sized pan put the butter. Turn the heat on to medium until the butter melts. Turn down the heat until the butter just boils and continue to cook at this heat. Whitish curds will begin to form on the bottom. Remove the foam.
- In 15-20 minutes the liquid will remain still. Remove immediately before burning
- Pour through a fine cloth and store in a glass container at room temperature.
Did you found it useful? Your comments are welcome. Namaste.
Un buen ghee, te falta la receta de pan naam!!!!. Anímate, es muy sencilla.
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
EliminarSí, es muy buena idea. Los panes son una asignatura pendiente.Lo tendré en cuenta.